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유연한 확장 가능한 스케이트 휠 컨베이어

스케이트 바퀴 재료:
가용성 상태:
  • FC


FC Series Flexible Expandable Plastic Skatewheels Conveyor

This gravity flexible expandable skatewheels conveyor is designed for handling small and medium-sized cartons and boxes. This conveyor is durable due to its steel construction. A single curve or composite curve remains integrated when it is laid out according to its complete expansion.

Conveying Surface

Conveying surfaces are done with plastic or steel wheels. We offer three standard widths of conveying surfaces: 450mm, 500mm, and 600mm. Other widths are available upon request.


Yellow/blue/gray plastic skatewheels (Dia.48mm) or galvanized steel skatewheels (Dia.48.5mm)  with special designed ball bearing is optional.

plastic skate wheel

Specifications of FC Flexible Expandable Skatewheels Conveyor 

Model No. Units Length Width Height Load/unit Rollers/unit Qty of Legs Weight
FC-48-450×1 1 435-1235 450 800-1000 60 9 2 33
FC-48-450×2 2 870-2470
3 53
FC-48-450×3 3 1305-3705
4 72
FC-48-450×4 4 1740-4940 5 92
FC-48-450×5 5 2175-6175
6 112
FC-48-450×6 6 2610-7410 7 133

FC-48-500×1 1 435-1235 500 800-1000 60  9 2 35
FC-48-500×2 2 870-2470
3 54
FC-48-500×3 3 1305-3705
4 77
FC-48-500×4 4 1740-4940 5 94
FC-48-500×5 5 2175-6175
6 113
FC-48-500×6 6 2610-7410 7 134

FC-48-600×1 1 435-1235 600 800-1000 60  9 2 38
FC-48-600×2 2 870-2470
3 60
FC-48-600×3 3 1305-3705
4 82
FC-48-600×4 4 1740-4940 5 112
FC-48-600×5 5 2175-6175
6 124
FC-48-600×6 6 2610-7410 7 142

Model No. FC-48-500×4 Example


48-skatewheel diameter

500-transportation surface width

×4-four units (the conveyor is connected unit by unit for required length).

Our flexible expandable conveyor is popular by some main express company in China like JD, SF and CAI NIAO.


제품 카테고리

133 Wangta Road, High-tech Zone, Huzhou, Zhejiang, China
+86 (0)572 2590 232
+86 133 0572 1922
빠른 연락
Longwei Automatic은 20년 넘게 컨베이어, 롤러 및 기타 컨베이어 부품 제조에 관여한 중견 기업입니다.새로운 제조 시설은 약 30,000 평방 미터의 면적을 차지합니다.
주요 상품
2021년 Huzhou Longwei Import & Export Co., Ltd. 판권 소유.사이트 맵기술르동